October 2019 ASIS News
Print Issue: October 2019
A Global Board for a Global Association
ASIS International announced the selection of three at-large directors for its Global Board of Directors at Global Security Exchange (GSX) in September. With this move, ASIS has reached a major landmark in its transition to a new global governance structure that will allow for ASIS to service members significantly better at local, regional, and global levels.
When the Global Board is officially installed on 1 January 2020, Pablo Colombres, CPP, of Brazil; Timothy M. McCreight, CPP, of Canada; and Malcolm B. Reid, CPP, of the United States will become the first at-large directors selected through the new governance processes.
The directors were chosen by a Nominating Committee made up of ASIS Chairman of the Board Richard E. Chase, CPP, PCI, PSP; Board Directors Gail Essen, CPP, PSP, and Richard F. Lisko, CPP; and member representatives Melissa Bostick, CPP, Rachelle Loyear, and Gary Miller, CPP, PCI, PSP.
Bostick, Loyear, and Miller were chosen as representatives by ASIS members through an open election in July.
In August, the Nominating Committee selected Colombres, McCreight, and Reid from a pool of 26 candidates to join the Global Board. The committee evaluated candidates according to core ASIS values and competencies, including management experience, knowledge of ASIS and the security profession, strategy development and visionary thinking, leadership skills, and cultural intelligence.
“The ASIS Board of Directors has dedicated years of thoughtful planning and execution to realize the goal of a Global Board supported by members in every region around the world,” says Chase, chair of the Nominating Committee. “Appointing our first at-large directors to the Global Board is a significant stride toward reaching that goal while meeting the expectations of our global membership. Those expectations were front and center throughout the selection process.”
The Global Board’s inaugural Executive Committee spans three continents—featuring 2020 ASIS President Godfried Hendriks, CPP, of The Netherlands; President-Elect John A. Petruzzi, Jr., CPP, of the United States; and Secretary/Treasurer Malcolm C. Smith, CPP, of Qatar. They are joined by ASIS Chief Executive Officer Peter J. O’Neil, FASAE, CAE, representing ASIS staff headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
Also new to the Global Board in 2020 are ex officio representatives of other ASIS volunteer groups, namely:
- ASIS Foundation Board of Trustees President Cy A. Oatridge, CPP (voting member)
- CSO Advisory Council President Joe M. Olivarez, Jr. (voting member)
- Commission on Standards & Guidelines Chair Bernard D. Greenawalt, CPP (nonvoting member)
- Professional Certification Board President William D. Moisant, CPP, PSP (nonvoting member)
Continuing as at-large directors from the 2019 Board are Darren T. Nielsen, CPP, PCI, PSP; Jaime P. Owens, CPP; and Ann Y. Trinca, CPP, PCI, PSP.
In 2021 and beyond, ASIS will establish regional boards to support members in every region around the globe. When fully implemented, each regional board will assume a seat on the Global Board.
As a first step, a Board-appointed group will meet in Prague in October to lay out the framework for the European Regional Board, which is set to debut in 2021.
To learn more about the ASIS global governance initiative and 2020 Global Board of Directors, visit asisonline.org/GlobalGovernance.
ASIS Launches ESRM Guideline
Enterprise security risk management (ESRM) is a management philosophy aimed at positioning the security professional as a trusted advisor to help guide asset owners through the process of making security risk management decisions.
The new ASIS International ESRM Guideline, unveiled at Global Security Exchange (GSX) in September, is the first strategic security management tool of its kind, designed to help guide security managers through the adoption of ESRM in their organizations.
The objective of ESRM is to identify, evaluate, and mitigate the likelihood and/or impact of security risks to the organization with priority given to protective activities that help enable the organization to advance its overall mission.
ESRM recommends that security professionals maintain an understanding of the organization’s overall strategy, including its mission and vision, core values, operating environment, and stakeholders. Understanding this context will enable security professionals to effectively support and align with the organization’s strategic goals.
The new guideline further outlines how the ESRM cycle is built on a foundation of transparency, governance, partnership with stakeholders, and holistic risk management. By continually repeating the ESRM cycle, security professionals can bring ESRM practice to maturity and maintain high performance over time.
The ESRM Cycle includes four processes:
- Identifying and prioritizing assets;
- Identifying and prioritizing risks;
- Mitigating the prioritized risks; and
- Continuous improvement of the security program.
ASIS members can access a digital copy of this and other ASIS International guidelines for free. ASIS nonmembers may purchase a softcover or read-only copy of the guideline. Learn more at asisonline.org/Guidelines.
ASIS Chapter Anniversaries
Congratulations to the ASIS chapters celebrating milestone anniversaries in the third quarter of 2019.
- Dutch-Caribbean
- Ukraine
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Ireland
- Mexico City, Mexico
- Riyadh
- California Inland Empire
- Fox Valley
- Western New Jersey
- Central New Jersey
- Idaho
- Lehigh Valley
- Saginaw Valley
- Dayton
- Greater Orlando
- Columbia River
- Greater Philadelphia
- St. Louis
- Cincinnati Tri-State
- Hampton Roads, Virginia
- Indianapolis
- Tulsa
- Baltimore