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Illustration of a row of well-dress executive protection guards. The central figure, a woman, has a teal-blue spotlight shining down on her from above.

When Second Homes Are a Primary Concern

Second homes and vacation homes are supposed to be sanctuaries, and the people who decamp there usually treat them as such. But public figures, corporate executives, and high-net-worth individuals who own these properties often neglect the essentials of executive protection that they practice in their offices, on official travel, or in their primary abodes.

“At times, CEOs let their guard down when vacationing or staying at their second residence. They sometimes forget that ‘risk travels’ and have a tendency to expose themselves unnecessarily to these risks,” says former Boeing CSO Dave Komendat, whose range of responsibilities included EP.

The Importance of Standardizing EP

The job of an executive protection (EP) professional is to protect an individual from harm and embarrassment. These are very broad terms. Without standards for operating procedures and business practices, it can be difficult to measure the quality and professionalism of EP services.
