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Standards & Guidelines

Advance your career and organization through implementable security best practices and solutions

ASIS International, in its role as a Standards Developing Organization (SDO), develops standards and guidelines to serve the needs of security practitioners in today’s global environment.
  • Accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • Serves a key liaison role on two International Organization for Standardization (ISO) technical committees

Through these roles and the expertise and knowledge of its members and the industry at large, ASIS plays a pivotal role to influence and impact security standards worldwide.

Interested in participating?

Reach out to our standards department at [email protected] today.

Recently Released

Security Risk Assessment

This Standard provides guidance for conducting risk assessments and applies specifically to security-related risks, which may include physical, non-physical, and logical risks. Security risks are understood to result from the intersection of threat, vulnerability, and consequence and should be associated with specific asset(s) that may be impacted. This standard replaces the ANSI/ASIS/RIMS RA.1-2015 Standard and the ASIS GSRA 2003 Guideline.

Cannabis Security Standard

As the U.S. cannabis industry expands, so do the opportunities—and risks—for security professionals. From an illegal status at the Federal level and operating largely in cash to a complex supply chain that demands seed-to-sale tracking software and accountability, vulnerabilities are everywhere.

The Global Leader in Security Standards

Learn how ASIS, through the development of security standards and guidelines, advances the security management profession as well as empowers organizations to increase their effectiveness of security practice and solutions.

Published Standards and Guidelines


Cannabis Security Standard
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Conformity Assessment and Auditing Management Systems for Quality of Private Security Company Operations (PSC.2) 2019 Edition
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Investigations (INV)
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Manag​ement System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations-Requirements with Guidance (PSC.1) 2022 edition
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Physical Asset Protection (PAP)
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Security Awareness (SA)
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Security and Resilience in Organizations and thei​r Supply Chains - Requirements with Guidance (ORM.1)
​Purchase: Softcover​​| eBook

Security Risk Assessment (SRA)
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Senior Security Executive (SSE)
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Supply Chain Risk Management: A Compilation of Best Practices (SCRM)
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Workplace Violence and Active Assailant-Prevention, Intervention, and Response (WVPI)​
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Business Continuity Management Guideline (BCM)
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Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) Guideline
Purchase: Softcover | eBook

Information Asset Protection Guideline (IAP)
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Preemployment Background Screening and Vetting Guideline (PBSV)
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Private Security Officer Selection and Training Guideline (PSO)
Purchase: Softcover | eBook

*ASIS Members receive free access to the eBook

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International Standards Activities

ASIS International (ASIS) holds Category-A Liaison status at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Under this capacity, ASIS can make effective contributions to the work of ISO technical committees and its working groups (WG) through engagement of its members in the varying standards topics of security and risk management. 

As Category-A Liaison, ASIS does not represent any one country, rather it utilizes the expertise of its members from around the globe to develop international positions that will support ISO work items (standards).  As ISO issues work items for review and comment, ASIS will work with its experts to review the draft standard(s) and develop constructive comments to improve its content.

Currently, ASIS is accepting interest to support the following key security standards projects (go to each TC for details):

1. ISO/TC 262: Risk Management
Scope: Standardization in the field of risk management

2. ISO/TC 292: Security and Resilience
Scope: Standardization in the field of security to enhance the safety and resilience of society

How can you get involved? It’s simple:

  1. Review the list of standards under development
  2. Determine which standards relate directly to your specific area of  expertise
  3. Contact standards staff at [email protected] to inform of your willingness to contribute to that ISO work(s); and
  4. ASIS staff will request a bio and other information to determine how you can best contribute to support the ad-hoc group leading that effort on behalf of ASIS

For more information, contact [email protected].

Standards & Guidelines Under Development


Investigations (revision)

This standard provides guidance for managing and conducting investigations. It also provides guidance regarding generally accepted practices relative to the processes and considerations for investigations. Investigations need a structured approach to gathering and documenting information based on facts, in order to conduct or manage investigations.

PROJECT STATUS: The INV technical committee has been formed and is meeting Friday, 13 September 2024 to kick off the project and begin the revision/update process of the standard. Have questions? contact Aivelis Opicka at [email protected].

Receive updates on the Investigations Standard, including being notified when it is available for public comment.

Executive Protection (new standard)

This Standard provides minimum criteria for the development, implementation, operation, and maintenance of an effective executive protection (EP) program utilizing industry accepted risk management principles. It provides guidance for the assessment of threats, vulnerabilities, and risks to the protected person(s), the identification and justification of protective services, and delivery of support based on industry-driven guidance.

This Standard is globally applicable across all sectors regardless of industry or setting and will assist consumers and providers in raising the bar in a widely unregulated profession.

PROJECT STATUS: The draft standard is under development by a broad group of industry experts who work in the field and have both a national and global perspectives. Have any questions? Contact Aivelis Opicka at: [email protected].

Sign up for free, ASIS-exclusive content and learn more about Executive Protection before the new Standard is released. You'll also be notified when the Standard is available for public comment.

School Security (new standard)

The Standard provides requirements and guidance for the development, implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of a school security program. It addresses assessing risk and developing protective strategies (utilizing physical security principles) for applying physical security measures necessary to support and promote safe educational environments (K-12). The Standard provides a basis for responsible parties to develop policies, plans, procedures, controls, and integrated physical security systems to achieve a comprehensive school security program. While the response to incidents is a part of a holistic security program, this standard focuses on preventing security‐related incidents.

PROJECT STATUS: The technical committee will be holding a series of meetings in October, November, and December 2024 to adjudicate comments from the 3rd committee review and ANSI public review processes. Have questions about this project? Contact Aivelis Opicka at: [email protected].

Sign up for free, ASIS-exclusive content and learn more about school security before the new Standard is released. You'll also be notified when the Standard is available for public comment.


ASIS Professional Standards Board

The work of preparing standards and guidelines is carried out through the ASIS Standards and Guidelines Committees and governed by the Professional Standards Board (PSB). The board ensures the development process is voluntary, nonproprietary, and consensus-based, utilizing the knowledge, experience, and expertise of ASIS membership, security professionals, and the global security profession.
