Book Review: Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals, 2nd Edition
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals; By Michael Martin. United States Concealed Carry Association;; 245 pages; $35.
With a rising number of U.S. citizens carrying guns for self-protection, it’s important for security managers to become knowledgeable of the varied aspects of concealed carry. This is integral to the security management role, and it is especially relevant within executive or VIP protection, particularly when the threat level escalates.
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is an informative book. It offers an in-depth examination of how people react to stressful situations, such as active shooters. Understanding that dynamic is essential for preparing employees to deal with violence as well as other sudden, traumatic events.
Topics include reaction time, muscle memory, auditory exclusion, and other realities of stressful situations. There is also information on the use of a firearm—including how they operate, holsters, and gadgets—and how to develop a personal protection and home defense plan. This book covers the bases very well.
Interestingly, there is scant mention of civil liability. The focus is on criminal liability. While many writers would not take that approach, the book does address one’s legal duties, obligations, and ramifications. It also delves into dealing with police in the aftermath of firearm use. The legal aspects of using force in the United States are covered quite well. Perhaps more importantly, they are presented in an easily understood manner that the average person can learn from.
Unfortunately, there are some flaws in the book that will have to be addressed by those using it as an instructional guide. There is no mention of racking the slide or carrying with a round in the chamber. There are obviously different perspectives on this, and they need to be addressed. The second shortcoming is more serious. The book depicts the low carry position—held with the muzzle pointing downward in anticipation of raising it toward a target. This can result in criminal and civil liability because it can be perceived as pointing a gun at someone, even though that may not be the case.
Despite the above flaws, the book is excellent and would serve a course designer or instructor quite well as a reference.
Reviewer: Chris Hertig, CPP, CPOI, is active in ASIS, IFPO, ILEETA, and other professional organizations. He has an extensive defensive tactics background spanning four decades and has published in varied forums on security officer training.