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Certification Profile: Jim Brown, CPP

0321-Certification-Profile-Jim-Brown.jpgJim Brown had nearly 26 years of experience as a municipal police officer when he transitioned to security roles in public transit, healthcare, county government, and private security. He found the bridge between law enforcement and security management to be a natural evolution—both from a people management perspective and due to his familiarity with the safety and security issues that constantly challenge the public and private sectors.

“I thoroughly enjoy being that go-to person and beacon of hope when all appears lost—when the situations are too complex or too overwhelming to deal with,” he shares. “I’ve always had the attitude that the meaner, nastier, uglier, and more complicated the problem, the more I like solving it.”

Brown made the decision to pursue the Certified Protection Professional (CPP®) certification while security director for the Government Security Services Division at Maricopa County, Arizona. He sought the affirmation that the ASIS International certificationcould provide and earned the CPP in 2017.

“The CPP designation is the most prestigious and highly recognized certification in the security industry. It brings a certain rock-solid, proven capability to both the individual that possesses the certification and the organization that supports it,” he explains. “My certification speaks volumes to my capabilities as a security professional who can serve our clients on behalf of an organization that has built its reputation on providing outstanding customer service.”

Brown now serves as the risk manager for Phoenix-based Transcend Security Solutions—reporting directly to the organization’s CEO and COO. In his position, Brown is trusted to provide guidance, direction, and insight for issues related to personnel and risk management, as well as law enforcement.

When maintaining his certification through con­tinuing professional edu­cation (CPE) in 2020, Brown additionally found that his drive for attaining security knowledge was not yet sated—and his CPE learning jump-started the process of pursuing a master’s degree.

“Security is about protecting people, property, and assets, and there is no greater degree of personal satisfaction than in knowing that you have made a positive impact on the world around you,” he adds. “Making a difference matters!”

Profile by Steven Barnett, ASIS Communications Specialist
