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March 2018 ASIS News

​Leadership Conference Sets the Course

More than 200 ASIS volunteer leaders—council presidents, chapter chairs, Board members, and more—gathered at the Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City in Arlington, Virginia, USA, January 17-19 for the Society's annual leadership workshop and conference.

Over the course of three days, ASIS leadership helped develop strategic priorities and participated in sessions matching the conference theme: Educate. Engage. Empower. Attendees heard from diversity and inclusion experts and studied best practices for successfully managing volunteers.

The program included an update on the ASIS Strategic Plan from ASIS International CEO Peter J. O'Neil, CAE, and Senior Manager Adam Savino. O'Neil and Savino touched upon progress made regarding Board directives, which include branding, global network, professional competency, organization and operations performance, knowledge and learning, and enterprise security risk management.

The ASIS Foundation's Scouting the Future research workshop identified issues that today's security managers consider most important in the years ahead. Attendees were presented with 15 different change drivers affecting the security industry, and were asked to choose which of these topics they consider most pressing. Their responses will inform ASIS Foundation research over the coming months.

On January 18 the Society held its Annual Business Meeting. ASIS International Chairman of the Board Thomas J. Langer, CPP, began by honoring David C. Davis, CPP, and Darryl Branham, CPP, for their service on the Board of Directors. Next, more volunteer leaders were honored for their extraordinary service to the Society. Bob Oatman, CPP, was named the 2017 Council Chairman of the Year for his leadership of the Executive Protection Council. Marco Meza Sandoval, Region 7C, was named 2017 Regional Vice President of the Year, and Bob Johnson, CPP, Group 5, was named 2017 Senior Regional Vice President of the Year.

Christina Duffey, CPP, presented the treasurer's report, which provided an overview of the financial health of ASIS, and 2018 President Dick Chase, CPP, PCI, PSP, outlined his priorities for 2018.

Evening events included a Casino Night, which raised more than $5,000 for the ASIS Foundation, and the President's Reception, which celebrated the start of Chase's tenure as president. 

The conference concluded with a presentation by the FBI and volunteer roundtables. To view event pictures, visit​

Certification Program Enhancements

Together with the new ASIS website launch in late January, the Society introduced a new certification application process that makes it easier for candidates to understand exam requirements and apply for certification. The Professional Certification Board implemented several changes to its policies in support of the new application process.

Newly certified professionals' three-year certification cycle begins on the day they pass the exam and ends three years later, at the end of that month. Those whose cycles end on December 31 will continue to have their cycles end at the close of the calendar year.

Those who sit for the exam three times during their two-year testing eligibility period without passing it may reapply as soon as their eligibility period expires (but at least 90 days after their third attempt). Previously, candidates had to wait 18 months from the time of the third attempt.

As part of the new user-friendly recertification application process, ASIS staff will no longer verify each continuing professional education credit (CPE) as it is reported. As before, certificants will use the online application to keep track of CPEs as they are earned. When they submit their recertification applications, the CPEs will be reviewed all at once.

The grace period for recertifying after a certification cycle ends has been reduced from one year to three months. Additionally, all CPEs must be completed during the three-year cycle (none during the grace period).

"These changes will make it easier than ever for security professionals to become certified and stay certified," says ASIS International Certification Director Gayle Rosnick. "These updates will help lay the groundwork to support a larger and broader pool of certificants in the years to come."

In addition, the Certification Department has received Board approval to begin investigating an early-career certification. In January a dozen early careerists attended a two-day program at ASIS headquarters to determine the relevant competencies for a new early-career security management certification. Work will continue on this initiative throughout 2018.

For more information or to learn how you can pursue ASIS board certification, visit​ 

Lifetime Certifications

Congratulations to these individuals who have achieved lifetime certification.

  • Krishnamoorthy Arunasalam, CPP
  • Paul Stewart Barker, CPP
  • Fred A. Buran, CPP
  • Dennis G. Byerly, CPP
  • Jose E. Campos, CPP
  • Salvatore P. DeCarlo, Jr., CPP
  • Cheryl D. Elliott, CPP, PCI
  • Jeffrey J. Haykin, CPP
  • Pearse Healy, CPP
  • Eugene Hermanny, CPP
  • Dan Jenkins, CPP
  • Garrett J. Ochalek, CPP
  • Shirley A. Pierini, CPP, PCI
  • Robert C. Quigley, CPP
  • Craig P. Remsburg, CPP
  • Thomas J. Rohr, Sr., CPP
  • John R. Ryan, CPP
  • Kathleen A. Sowder, CPP
  • Scott Wells, CPP
  • Ian G. Wing, CPP
  • Christopher D. Yokley, CPP


The Manager's Guide to Enterprise Security Risk Management: Essentials of Risk-Based Security. By Brian J. Allen, CPP, and Rachelle Loyear. Rothstein Publishing;; ebook; $14.49.

The security landscape is evolving at an enormous speed. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity are the new normal. So, how do you address security challenges in such an environment? The answer is through enterprise security risk management (ESRM), an integrated risk-based approach to managing security risks. It brings together cyber, information, physical security, asset management, and business continuity. ASIS has made ESRM a global strategic priority.

In the Manager's Guide to Enterprise Security Risk Management, authors Allen and Loyear provide a comprehensive overview of the principles and applications underlying the ESRM philosophy. They set the stage in the first part of the book with an introduction to ESRM and share some important insights on the differences between traditional security and the ESRM approach, illustrating their points with examples.

The second part of the book guides the reader through the implementation of an ESRM program. One excellent chapter promotes design thinking as a conceptual model for ESRM. A design thinking approach can provide a unique platform for innovation and overcoming new security challenges.

Finally, the book provides insights and strategies to ensure the success of the ESRM program. It explains what an executive needs to know about ESRM, and gives readers the tools to succeed.

In sum, this guide accomplishes exactly what it set out to do—provide security leaders and managers with the principles and applications to explore, design, implement, and secure the success of an ESRM program.

Note: The authors of this book recently published a more detailed look at ESRM in Enterprise Security Risk Management: Concepts and Applications, also published by Rothstein.

Reviewer: Rachid Kerkab has almost two decades of experience in criminology, security strategy, risk, and resilience. He is a member of ASIS. ​
