ASIS News August 2016
The preseminar programs of the ASIS International Annual Seminar and Exhibits always provide attendees with knowledge to better meet the challenges of security in their own work environments. This year will be no exception. All programs will take place on Sunday, September 11, at the Orange County Convention Center.
Fees for these programs have been reduced to $250 for ASIS members and $350 for nonmembers. To register, visit
Banking and financial services. This program will feature subject-matter experts who are security leaders in the financial services industry. They will present valuable and timely information related to the issues confronting bank security professionals worldwide. Topics to be covered in the program include active shooter and branch robbery response and training, financial security’s role in business continuity planning, emerging threats to security system technology, and ATM physical attacks and beyond. A wrap-up panel discussion will address the changing landscape of electronic and physical security. The program is sponsored by the ASIS Banking and Financial Services Council.
Healthcare security. Sponsored by ASIS Healthcare Security and ASIS Pharmaceutical Security councils, “Best Practices for Securing Drugs from Production to Delivery to the End User,” will provide insight into the challenges faced in securing both prescription and nonprescription drugs in the United States. With the combined expertise of industry leaders from two ASIS councils, attendees will be presented with material that assists them in reducing drug diversion and theft.
Security consulting. Looking to successfully launch a new security consultancy practice or jump-start an existing one? This unique, one-day intensive program will be taught by a faculty of seasoned consultants. They will explain how to develop and market a security consultancy and how to avoid expensive mistakes that can sabotage success. The program is filled with practical information that saves time, money, and frustration. This preseminar session is sponsored by the International Association of Professional Security Consultants.
Petrochemical security. “Like Oil and Water, Physical and Cybersecurity Don’t Mix. But Can They?” is the title of this preseminar session sponsored by the ASIS Petrochemical, Chemical, and Extractive Industries Security Council. According to a recent U.S. Department of Homeland Security report, the petrochemical industry has faced the highest number of complex attacks to its cyber, physical, and operational systems. Attackers do not employ just one attack vector, however. They rely on the fact that organizations are conditioned to respond to attacks in silos of IT security, corporate (physical) security, and plant operations in fragmented measures that leave the enterprise fundamentally exposed. Attendees will learn a holistic security approach to safeguard the petrochemical industry; explore how new applications using techniques such as big data, machine learning, and predictive risk analytics can correlate cybersecurity with physical access; track insider activity; and aggregate cybersecurity information from security automation tools.
Physical security. Sponsored by the ASIS Physical Security Council, “The Security Practitioner of the Future: Challenges and Opportunities” will explore changing business needs and threat environments. Companies and organizations continue to encounter increasingly diverse and sophisticated risks from an equally broad range of adversaries. These adversaries are equipped as never before with education, experience, publically available critical information, and technology to bring their efforts to fruition. Tomorrow’s security practitioner needs an array of integrated tools to effectively prepare for and counter tomorrow’s adversary. These include some traditional tried and proven practices; however, practitioners also must learn new ways to think critically, make risk-based decisions, implement leading practice solutions, and define security optimization.
School security. By walking through an emergency from beginning to end, the attendees of “Evolution of a School Crisis” will learn what preincident indicators look like and how to communicate with authorities. The students of this preseminar session, sponsored by the ASIS School Safety and Security Council, will explore examples of soft-target hardening by entering into a classroom and exploring what an active shooter event looks like from the inside. They will review emergency procedures, gain insight into incident command operations, and discuss the proper use of applicable technologies.
Workplace violence. The title of this session is “Soft Targets, Active Shooters, Workplace Violence: CPTED Solutions.” News stories report almost daily on violent incidents in schools, shipyards, workplaces, or sports events. And this is only a small part of the problem. Incidents may range from suicides to domestic shootings to the targeting of managers in an office setting. This program offers solutions to these confounding and confusing issues. Expert speakers will address best practices for every discipline and give guidance on how to design an integrated master response plan. Students will participate in discussions on risk and threat assessments, violent and aggressive behavior, and emergency planning and preparedness. Attendees will learn how to use Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles and technology to create a safe workplace environment through target hardening, partnerships, and stakeholder involvement. They will also explore how these steps can lead to developing an active shooter program based on access control solutions. The session is sponsored by the ASIS School Safety and Security Council.
ASIS International has released Active Shooter: A Handbook on Prevention, 2nd Edition, by Joshua Sinai, Ph.D., and Crime Prevention for Houses of Worship, 2nd Edition, by Paula L. Ratliff.
Active Shooter. A byproduct of the author’s more than 30 years of work in national security, this edition of Active Shooter features extensive new material. Specifically, the edition’s expanded governing matrix adds three new phases that characterize an active shooter event: “triggers,” “responding to an active shooter,” and “post-incident consequence management.”
Also new is a discussion of similarities and differences between active shooters and acts of workplace violence; how to preempt active shooters by monitoring their postings in social media; and a discussion of the hot, warm, and cold zones established by law enforcement during and after an active shooter event. Other new additions include a discussion and table, based on past incidents, that provide approximate timeframes for potential active shooters to transition from their initial triggering “fantasy” phases to acquiring their weaponry and “going operational.”
The new edition provides extensive updated information, such as chronologies of active shooter incidents worldwide and a discussion on how to build a threat assessment of the risky behaviors and activities of those who may be on a path to become active shooters.
ASIS members may purchase this new edition of Active Shooter for $45. Pricing for nonmembers is $65.
Houses of Worship. This new edition of Crime Prevention for Houses of Worship examines the various types of crime frequently occurring in houses of worship and provides recommendations on how to prevent and respond to them. In 2001, Ratliff coauthored, with Chester L. Quarles, Ph.D., the first edition—one of the first books published on this topic.
The book’s intended audience includes church leaders and staff, law enforcement officers, security guards, facility managers, instructors, and trainers in worship centers. It is also intended as a text to structure training workshops on securing houses of worship.
ASIS members may purchase this new edition of Crime Prevention for Houses of Worship for $45; nonmembers: $65.
Visit the ASIS Store at to purchase either book. The titles are also available in Kindle editions from