Investigations (revision)
This standard provides guidance for managing and conducting investigations. It also provides guidance regarding generally accepted practices relative to the processes and considerations for investigations. Investigations need a structured approach to gathering and documenting information based on facts, in order to conduct or manage investigations.
PROJECT STATUS: Efforts are underway to form the technical committee that will be responsible for the revision of the ASIS Investigations Standard. The technical committee is expected to hold its first meeting in September, to discuss the project and initiate revisions. Have questions? contact Aivelis Opicka at [email protected].
Executive Protection (new standard)
This Standard provides minimum criteria for the development, implementation, operation, and maintenance of an effective executive protection (EP) program utilizing industry accepted risk management principles. It provides guidance for the assessment of threats, vulnerabilities, and risks to the protected person(s), the identification and justification of protective services, and delivery of support based on industry-driven guidance.
This Standard is globally applicable across all sectors regardless of industry or setting and will assist consumers and providers in raising the bar in a widely unregulated profession.
PROJECT STATUS: The draft standard is under development by a broad group of industry experts who work in the field and have both a national and global perspectives. Have any questions? Contact Aivelis Opicka at: [email protected].
Sign up for free, ASIS-exclusive content and learn more about Executive Protection before the new Standard is released.
School Security (new standard)
The Standard provides requirements and guidance for the development, implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of a school security program. It addresses assessing risk and developing protective strategies (utilizing physical security principles) for applying physical security measures necessary to support and promote safe educational environments (K-12). The Standard provides a basis for responsible parties to develop policies, plans, procedures, controls, and integrated physical security systems to achieve a comprehensive school security program. While the response to incidents is a part of a holistic security program, this standard focuses on preventing security‐related incidents.
PROJECT STATUS: The draft is undergoing further technical committee review, as well as its first public review process. If you are interested in reviewing the draft and submitting comments, please click here. Have questions about this project? Contact Aivelis Opicka at: [email protected].
Sign up for free, ASIS-exclusive content and learn more about school security before the new Standard is released.