Greet, Pray, Love

This self-paced, online certificate course provides the essentials organizations must consider when implementing programs to address workplace violence, including active assailant incidents.
This standard, available online free to ASIS members, provides an overview of the policies, processes, and protocols organizations can adopt to identify, assess, respond to, and mitigate threatening or intimidating behavior and violence.
Please see the School Safety and Security page.
Leaders Conduct Risk Assessments: Security and Safety at Festivals and Outdoor Events
Major outdoor festivals and concerts require a comprehensive, holistic, and layered approach to security and safety that includes the inclusion of internal and external stakeholders. This process should start with a threat, vulnerability, and risk assessment.
Security Management, March 2022
Assessing the Use of Edged Weapons in Terrorists Attacks
Firearms and improvised explosive devices take time to acquire and finesse to operate. These factors may be encouraging attackers to turn to more easily obtainable weapons, like knives, to inflict harm.
Security Management, December 2021
Securing America's National Pastime
Baseball stadiums strive to adapt their security postures and work with their communities to keep fans, players, and others safe, even when it’s not game time.
Security Management, July 2021
Protecting Soft Targets Without Hindering Culture
How do you protect a soft target—a restaurant, a museum, a park, or a city street—without taking away from its beauty, cultural value, or intended use?
Security Management, October 2019
Soft Targets: Using Lessons Learned from High-Profile Incidents to Improve Prevention and Protection Through Public-Private Partnership
Conference Session
Learn the key role partnerships play and how they are helping to shape improvements in the security of soft targets from real case studies.
2019 ASIS Europe, ASIS members only
The Emotional Traps of Soft Target Security
There are five emotional traps in soft target security: hopelessness, infallibility, inescapability, invulnerability, inevitability. These beliefs, even if subconscious, can sabotage security efforts.
Security Management, September 2019
Soft Targets, Hard Challenges
Soft targets remain difficult to defend. Catalyzed by the Las Vegas shooting, the U.S. Government is promoting soft target resources to the public.
Security Management, September 2018
Soft Targets: A Conversation
An expanded conversation with expert and author Jennifer Hesterman, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, on soft targets, ISIS, the Brussels and Paris attacks, and how individuals can take a proactive approach to their own security.
Security Management Highlights Podcast, April 2016
Protecting Your Workplace's Special Needs Personnel During Emergencies: The Global Review
On-Demand Webinar
Covering regulations in North American and Western European countries as well as India, learn the duties organization's have in relation to their special needs employees in emergency situations.
On-Demand Webinar, May 2022
Active Shooter Preparedness: Integrating the Human Element and Smart Technology
On-Demand Webinar
CLearn to form accurate behavioral assumptions that can give an organization's leaders a strategic and tactical advantage in managing active assailant threats.
On-Demand Webinar, March 2022
The Active Shooter That Wasn’t
A hospital relies on a strong, holistic security approach—and a little luck—to thwart a would-be shooter. Here are lessons learned from the experience.
Security Management, November/December 2021
Breaking the Silence: Encouraging Domestic Abuse Reporting
The more personal a problem is, the less willing people are to report it. But when domestic abuse threatens to escalate into workplace violence, early warning is essential.
Security Management, May 2020
A Look Into the New Workplace Violence and Active Assailant Standard: Prevention, Intervention, and Response
This on-demand webinar provides an overview of the newly revised ASIS Workplace Violence and Active Assailant Standard, which includes guidance that specifically addresses active assailant prevention, intervention, and response.
On-demand webinar, free, registration required
Can We Reliably Prevent the Next Workplace/School Shooting?
The key to preventing the next active shooter is the ability to reliably identify individuals on the path to violence.
On Demand Webinar
Workplace Violence, Active Shooter Preparedness for Managers
This is a comprehensive presentation which focuses on management, both with respect to facilitating workplace violence prevention and managing the aftermath of an incident.
On-Demand Webinar, fee and registration required
Putting Multi-Option Active Assailant Response to the Test
Chronicles one of the first attempts to empirically study active assailant response strategies.
Security Management, October 2019
Retailers Prepare for Active Assailants
After the 2007 Trolley Square Mall shooting, retailers planted the seed for DHS’s active shooter preparedness tools. Now, they strive for a more tailored approach to emergency management.
Security Management, July 2019
Workplace Layouts in the Era of Armed Assailants
This webinar discusses a risk-based, analytical approach that will help designers and security practitioners understand likely egress choke points, compare potential floor plan layouts, and select an optimal layout to help occupants survive an attack.
On-demand webinar, free, registration required
Out in the Open: The Security Challenge of New Office Spaces
Open-concept office spaces are on the rise. The safety and security challenges they present are significant.
Security Management, February 2019
Put Training to the Test
In the wake of high-profile massacres at schools and college campuses, institutions are preparing themselves for the emergency situations with scenario-based training programs.
Security Management, January 2018
How to Better Initiate a Lockdown
Case Study
Jericho Union School District in Long Island, New York, adopts a solution to improve its security and enhance its lockdown process.
Security Management, September 2020
School Security After Parkland
A year after the Parkland shooting, school security remains an ongoing challenge that can’t be solved with legislation and technology alone, says Jason Destein, chairman of the ASIS International School Safety and Security Council who is interviewed in the podcast.
Security Management Highlights Podcast, April 2019
Contingency & Business Continuity Planning to Survive Active Shooter Incidents
Presents the policies, procedures, and protocols that need to be in place before workplace violence or active shooter incidents happen.
On-demand webinar, fee and registration required
Behavioral Responses to Attacks
Podcast and article
Steve Crimando, principal at Behavioral Science Applications, explains in an interview how practitioners can anticipate emotional and behavioral responses to attacks to effectively manage recovery. The article on this topic, "A Psychological Price," can be found in the July issue of Security Management.
Security Management, July 2019
The Emotional Traps of Soft Target Security
After mass shootings, bombings, cyberattacks, and more, is security fatigue starting to take its toll?
Security Management, September 2019
Creating a New Culture in Response and Recovery
ASIS 2017 recorded session
What your organization does in the first hour of a crisis or event will shape the outcome forever. Response to and recovery from an incident, active assailant, act of terrorism, natural disaster requires a culture of preparedness and inclusion of the entire facility or organization in related activities.
On-demand education, free