SM Online December 2015
The Security Management team worked with Lorraine Homer, the director of U.K.-based Nightingale Consultants and independent advisor to the London Metropolitan Police, to put together a series on using social media as part of a crisis communication plan. The article "Communication Under Pressure" is on the SM website, along with an interview with Homer. An infographic on the subject from the National Transportation Safety Board can be found on Facebook, and there's a list of seven key crisis communication points at LinkedIn.
Security Management editors had the opportunity to interview two keynoters from the ASIS 61st Annual Seminar and Exhibits, General Michael Hayden and former NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly.
A white paper from James Swenson of Thomson Reuters, Expanding Existing Due Diligence Programs to Cover Modern Day Slavery in the Supply Chain, lays out various screening and due diligence practices that businesses can take to proactively address potential human rights abuses in their supply chains.
New technologies have adapted over the years to make ransomware more powerful, according to the May 2015 McAfee Labs Threat Reportrp-quarterly-threat-q1-2015.pdf, which examines ransomware's development and global impact.
A new report, Rebooting the IT Revolution: A Call to Action, calls for the U.S. federal government to invest in semiconductor research and development because it will play a crucial role as the Internet of Things continues to grow.
Use of Firearms in Terrorist Attacks in the United States 1970-2014 is a new report from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism. Also available via SM Online: testimony from expert witnesses at the House Homeland Security Committee hearing "The Rise of Radicalization: Is the U.S. Government Failing to Counter International and Domestic Terrorism?"