October 2020 ASIS News
Print Issue: October 2020
ASIS Celebrates Security’s Best
ASIS International celebrates the exceptional achievements of the security profession in 2020—recognizing its members and supporting organizations for their work to advance the profession year-round.
These awards recipients are traditionally honored each year at a reception in-person at Global Security Exchange (GSX). As the event transitioned to a fully virtual GSX+ in 2020, however, the Awards Celebration went online as well—with a virtual gallery space featuring information about the accomplishments of each of the recipients. You can access the virtual Awards Celebration until 25 October.
Visit asisonline.org/awards to learn more.
ASIS thanks these honorees for their valued contributions to the security profession.
The Presidential Award of Merit recognizes the commitment of exceptional volunteers. This year, the award was presented to Eduard J. Emde, CPP. Having served as 2013 president of the ASIS Board of Directors, Emde has been a valued leader within ASIS since joining in 1994. Notably, he continues to serve as ASIS Europe conference chair.
The Don Walker CSO Center Security Executive Award recognizes a senior level executive who demonstrates commitment to security management education, certification, and standards and guidelines for the executive management level of security. In 2020, the CSO Center recognizes the contributions of Nick Lovrien, CPP. In addition to his duties as vice president and chief global security officer for Facebook, Lovrien is an involved member of ASIS International and the CSO Center, speaking at events like GSX and the CSO Summit. He encourages diversity, education, and collaboration as he makes the time to keep giving back.
The ASIS Professional Certification Board (PCB) presented its 2020 Organizational Award of Merit to Amazon, Security & Loss Prevention EMEA, which initiated an in-company review course for the Certified Protection Professional (CPP®) exam. As a result, 11 employees attained the CPP designation, and several others were inspired to pursue ASIS certification as well.
The PCB’s Regional Award of Merit recognizes certified security professionals who have made significant contributions to the enhancement and advancement of ASIS certification. In 2020, this honor was given to Rudolph A. DuBord, III, CPP; Garth Gray, CPP, PCI, PSP; and Wayne A. Ballen, CPP, PCI, PSP.
ASIS International’s Women in Security Council recognizes security professionals who have consistently worked for the betterment of the security industry over an extended period with the Karen Marquez Honors award. This year, the award was presented to Angela J. Osborne, PCI, PSP. Since joining ASIS in 2010, she has served on the Professional Certification Board and as cochair of the Young Professionals Council.
The I.B. Hale Chapter of the Year Awards are given to chapters that demonstrate financial stability, membership growth, high-quality meetings, educational programs, publications, and efforts that support the advancement of the security profession. This year’s winners are the Jamaica; Lima, Peru; Mexico City; New Delhi, India; and San Francisco Bay Area chapters. The Hawaii and Houston chapters received honorable mentions.
The Roy N. Bordes Council Member Award of Excellence recognizes a distinguished council member who selflessly shares expertise, encourages the next generation of leaders, and offers insight to ASIS educational programs and publications. The 2020 winner is Maria G. Dominguez, CPP, for her leadership within the Physical Security Council and Crime Prevention Council.
The E.J. Criscuoli, Jr., CPP Volunteer Leadership Award, presented this year to Basil Anthony Bewry, CPP, PCI, PSP, recognizes a member who has made significant volunteer commitment at the chapter and regional levels. Bewry has served as chair of the ASIS Jamaica Chapter for several years, and his annual certification study courses have helped more than 40 individuals successfully pass their ASIS certification exams.
Vipasha Sharma, recipient of the 2020 Ralph Day Memorial Security Officer Heroism Award, was recognized for her actions during four overlapping events at a condo in downtown Toronto: a domestic dispute, a fire, a flood, and a death of one of the residents in a unit affected by the fire. In the midst of this chaos, she heroically saved a resident’s life by removing the victim to safety.
The Public–Private Partnership Excellence Grant in Honor of Matthew Simeone, administered by the ASIS Law Enforcement Liaison Council, distinguishes an outstanding chapter program promoting cooperation between the public and private sectors. This year’s award, nominated by the ASIS Phoenix Chapter, recognizes the Glendale, Arizona Police Department’s partnership with local businesses to deter crime and increase community safety.
Get Certified—at Home
Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic around the globe, ASIS has worked to provide security professionals with all the tools they need to earn
career-boosting board certifications from the comfort of their own homes.
Earning an ASIS board certification is a visible acknowledgment that a professional possesses mastery of core security principles and skills essential to the best practice of security management. It shows an individual’s commitment to excellence, professional growth, and a code of conduct.
In late July, ASIS unveiled remote proctoring for its certification exams—allowing professionals who cannot—or would rather not—travel to a Prometric test center to sit for their exams in their own home or office.

Using Prometric’s ProProctor remote proctoring software, those who are pursuing an ASIS certification can do so anywhere there is a solid Internet connection. Based on its accreditation under the ANSI/ISO 17024 Standard, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) awarded ASIS permission to move forward with the ProProctor option.
Beyond just taking the exam remotely, ASIS has also rolled out new certification study resources this year to help individuals review the various domains of security knowledge that are tested on each certification exam—all from the comfort of home.
Individuals may choose to use ASIS flash cards and official study guides to brush up their know-how on the domains for all four certifications:
- The Certified Protection Professional (CPP®) is considered the gold standard in certification, validating knowledge in all areas of security management.
- The Physical Security Professional (PSP®) demonstrates knowledge in physical security assessments; application, design, and integration of physical security systems; and implementation of security measures.
- The Professional Certified Investigator (PCI®) provides demonstrable proof of an individual’s knowledge and experience in case management, evidence collection, and preparation of reports and testimony to substantiate findings.
- The Associate Protection Professional (APP), designed to be the first rung on a security manager’s career ladder, is for those with 1–4 years of security management experience. It measures the professional’s knowledge of security management fundamentals, business operations, risk management, and response management.
Security professionals may also register for a self-paced online review course or instructor-led virtual study group designed around the domains
of the CPP, PSP, and APP exams. While the online review courses can
be started at any time, the virtual study groups’ live online sessions begin in October.
The ASIS Foundation’s Certification Accelerator program offers a free certification exam to every ASIS chapter around the globe. Reach out to your local chapter in October to see whether you can receive its Certification Accelerator scholarship.
Learn more about choosing a certification, preparing for the exam, and scheduling a remotely proctored exam at asisonline.org/Certification.
New Retail Certificate
Loss prevention is essential to the overall success of a retail business. Today’s professionals are expected to possess a mix of knowledge and skills in physical security, retail business operations, internal and external investigations, and soft skills such as leadership and team building.
A new certificate program, produced in partnership with the Loss Prevention Foundation (LPF), explores the fundamentals of retail asset protection. The Essentials of Retail Asset Protection course covers:
- The Retail Environment
- Becoming a Successful Businessperson
- Asset Protection Basics and Tools
This online certificate course includes 6-month access to the course material and a certificate exam. Applicants can begin the course at any time. Successful completion of the course and passing the exam awards a certificate of competency.
This certificate demonstrates that the successful candidate has gained the knowledge and skills essential to retail asset protection. The course is available now at learning.asisonline.org/catalog.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month
ASIS joins the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) in recognizing October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
In that vein, the Information Technology Security Council will host several webinars addressing various cybersecurity topics to help you, your organization, and your communities stay safe online. For more cybersecurity resources, visit asisonline.org/cybersecurity.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming webinars and visit our website often because more programs are in development:
- 1 October: Cybersecurity: High-end Resources on a Low Budget
- 21 October: Is Your Cyber Readiness Prepared for the Coming Regulatory Nightmares?
- 22 October: Convergence of Physical and Cyber Security in Drones or Autonomous Vehicles
- 27 October: Social Engineering and Technical Exploitation
ASIS Chapter Anniversaries
Congratulations to the ASIS chapters that celebrated milestone anniversaries in the third quarter of 2020.
• Guayaquil, Ecuador
• Peninsula Yucatan, Mexico
• Puebla-Sureste, Mexico
• Chile
• Guatemala
• Manitoba
• Central Savannah River
• Golden Gate
• Hawaii
• Maine
• Greater Atlanta