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Book Review: Practical Aviation Security, Third Edition

​Practical Aviation Security: Predicting and Preventing Future Threats, Third Edition. By Jeffrey C. Price and Jeffrey S. Forrest. Butterworth-Heinemann;; 598 pages; $99.95.

The third edition of Practical Aviation Security: Predicting and Preventing Future Threats is a well-researched reference for students learning aviation security and practitioners in the field. It provides the background necessary for those entering this complicated industry from any direction—a recent graduate, someone changing career paths, or a seasoned pro taking on additional responsibilities. It also assists in the preparation of instruction on unique airport security subjects for both entry-level and veteran airport workers.

Security within an aviation environment is complicated and highly regulated, with many areas of concern to ensure the safety of all involved. This publication explains the roles of government, airlines, and airports. Many aviation security laws, programs, and initiatives are reviewed, providing important fundamental knowledge for the reader.

The aviation industry is vital to the economies of our globe. It demands that security technologies and practices be current and collaboratively linked to ensure the safety of its users. This book highlights the industry’s history—recent and distant—identifying the discipline’s needs and the industry’s challenges through its review of security incidents. It uses case studies of aviation’s most deadly criminal and terrorist incidents, particularly those occurring during recent years. The risks and costs associated with insider threats, particularly radicalized citizen terrorists, are identified and portrayed as the most prevalent concern of aviation security professionals today.

Predicting and Preventing Future Threats may never be fully possible; however, studying the past and looking ahead at the challenges of the future will help current and future practitioners to prepare and confront those who wish to do harm. Because security is a responsibility shared by all, the industry’s leaders are advised to consult this book to assist in decisions that could impact the security of aviation.

Reviewer: Paul M. Mueller, CPP, is security manager for Manchester-Boston Regional Airport in Manchester, New Hampshire. He is an active member of the AAAE Transportation Security Services Committee and the ASIS Granite State Chapter.
