ASIS Recognizes Volunteers for Contributions to the Security Profession
ASIS International recognized the achievements of volunteers and organizations by honoring a variety of individuals for their contributions to the security profession in 2020.
GSX+ attendees will have the opportunity to congratulate and connect with awards recipients in a celebration on Friday, 25 September, at 12:25 p.m. EDT. Held in partnership with the Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs), the celebration features a 360-degree tour of Longview Gallery where attendees can interact with the awards listings and recipients—who will also be available for chats in individual Zoom meeting rooms.
The Presidential Award of Merit recognizes the commitment of exceptional ASIS volunteers. This year, the award went to Eduard J. Emde, CPP, ASIS Europe conference chair and former president of the ASIS Board of Directors.
The Don Walker CSO Center Security Executive Award recognizes a senior level executive who demonstrates commitment to security management, certification, and standards and guidelines for the executive management level of security. In 2020, the CSO Center recognized the contributions of Nick Lovrien, CPP; in addition to his duties as vice president and chief global security officer for Facebook, Lovrien is an involved member of ASIS International and the CSO Center. He encourages diversity, education, and collaboration as he makes the time to keep giving back.
The ASIS Professional Certification Board (PCB) presented its 2020 Organizational Award of Merit to Amazon, Security & Loss Prevention, EMEA, which initiated an in-company review course for the Certified Protection Professional (CPP®) exam. Eleven employees attained the CPP designation, and several others were inspired to pursue ASIS certification.
The PCB’s Regional Award of Merit recognizes certified security professionals who have made significant contributions to the enhancement and advancement of ASIS certification. In 2020, the PCB awarded this honor to Rudolph A. DuBord, III, CPP; Garth Gray, CPP, PCI, PSP; and Wayne A. Ballen, CPP, PCI, PSP.
ASIS International’s Women in Security Council recognizes security professionals who have consistently worked for the betterment of the security industry over an extended period with the Karen Marquez Honors award. This year, the award was presented to Angela J. Osborne, PCI, PSP, who has served on the PCB and as cochair of the Young Professionals Council.
The I.B. Hale Chapter of the Year awards are given to chapters that demonstrate financial stability, membership growth, high-quality meetings, educational programs, publications, and efforts that support the advancement of the security profession. This year’s winners are the Jamaica; Lima, Peru; Mexico City; New Delhi, India; and San Francisco Bay Area chapters. The Hawaii and Houston chapters received honorable mentions.
The Roy N. Bordes Council Member Award of Excellence recognizes a distinguished council member who selflessly shares expertise, encourages the next generation of leaders, and offers insight to ASIS educational programs and publications. The 2020 winner is Maria G. Dominguez, CPP, for her leadership within the Physical Security Council and Crime Prevention Council.
The E.J. Criscuoli, Jr., CPP Volunteer Leadership Award, presented this year to Basil Anthony Bewry, CPP, PCI, PSP, recognizes a member who has made significant volunteer commitment at the chapter and regional levels. Bewry has served as chair of the ASIS Jamaica Chapter for several years, and his annual certification study courses have helped more than 40 individuals successfully pass their ASIS certification exams.
Vipasha Sharma, recipient of the 2020 Ralph Day Memorial Security Officer Heroism Award, was recognized for her actions during four overlapping events at a condo in downtown Toronto: a domestic dispute, a fire, a flood, and a death of one of the residents in a unit affected by the fire. In the midst of this chaos, she heroically saved a resident’s life by removing the victim to safety.
The Public-Private Partnership Excellence Grant in Honor of Matthew Simeone, administered by the ASIS Law Enforcement Liaison Council, distinguishes an outstanding chapter program promoting cooperation between the public and private sectors. This year’s award, nominated by the ASIS Phoenix Chapter, recognizes the Glendale, Arizona Police Department’s partnership with local businesses to deter crime and increase community safety.