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January 2018 ASIS News

​Shifting into High Gear

Enterprise security risk management (ESRM) activity at ASIS is moving into high gear. The ASIS Board of Directors approved a plan for ESRM principles to be infused into the DNA of the Society. Designating ESRM a priority strategic initiative, the ASIS Board created the ESRM Commission in July 2016. In the year plus since, the commission inventoried ESRM content, identified subject matter experts, developed a primer, and interviewed members on how ESRM should be worked into ASIS's activities.

For the first time, in 2017, the ASIS Annual Seminar & Exhibits featured a full track of sessions devoted to ESRM. Sessions included a preseminar program on IT security for physical security professionals and an intensive interactive two-hour tabletop exercise in which attendees represented various departments of an organization and used ESRM principles to deal with an evolving crisis scenario. Earlier in the year, ASIS Europe 2017 focused on enterprise-level risks and featured master classes on implementing integrated enterprisewide security teams.

On November 15, the board approved the commission's request to transform into four workstreams that will develop appropriate ESRM material for their particular areas. The workstreams cover standards and guidelines, education and certification, marketing and branding, and creation of a digital maturity model tool. Each workstream includes a board member sponsor, an ASIS staff member, an ESRM subject matter expert, and a team of member volunteers.

Are you an avid ESRM advocate? Have you put ESRM into practice? There's still room in the workstreams for your expertise. Please contact Chief Global Knowledge and Learning Officer Michael Gips [email protected].​

Adams to Lead 2018 Professional Certification Board

The ASIS Professional Certification Board (PCB) will be led in 2018 by Dana Adams, CPP, director of corporate security for TELUS, a telecommunications company headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Adams has served on the PCB for six years and was the board's vice president in 2017. William Moisant, CPP, PSP, will assume the role of vice president in 2018.

The PCB oversees the ASIS board certification program and ensures that the domains of knowledge and the exams reflect the duties and responsibilities of security professionals. Adams succeeds 2017 President Per Lundkvist, CPP, PCI, PSP.

"I would like to thank Per for his able leadership of the PCB, as well as for his guidance, support, confidence, and friendship," Adams says. "In 2018, priorities include continuing the work to establish an entry-level certification, maintaining the leadership role of ASIS board certifications across our profession, and ensuring global representation and diversity of the PCB."

New to the PCB in 2018 are Kevin Peterson, CPP, president, Innovative Protection Solutions, LLC; Jeffrey Leonard, CPP, PSP, area vice president, Securitas Critical Infrastructure Services, Inc.; and Vasiles Kiosses, CPP, PSP, physical security services manager, Schlumberger Oilfield Services. ASIS extends its thanks to departing PCB members, James Bradley, CPP, PCI, and Ann Trinca, CPP, PCI, PSP.​

ASIS Europe 2018: From Risk to Resilience

Now is the time to register for ASIS Europe 2018, taking place 18-20 April in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The event focuses on securing organizations in the era of IoT and highlights how enterprise security risk management approaches can protect an organization's full range of physical, digital, and human assets.

The "From Risk to Resilience" event format, launched in Milan in March 2017, will be repeated, with its mix of conference, training, technology and solutions, exhibition, career center, and exclusive networking.

At the conference, themed "Blurred Boundaries—Clear Risks," attendees will tackle the impacts of Big Data and artificial intelligence, and examine up-to-date risk outlooks, case studies, and analysis across the full range of key security management issues.

ASIS Europe will help attendees navigate a broad sweep of risks, from the malicious use of the latest emerging technologies to the threat of low-tech attacks, particularly on soft targets in public spaces.

Conference highlights include:

  • Opening keynote on Big Data, automation, and artificial intelligence from a business perspective
  • Digital asset valuation and risk assessments by Carl Erickson, CPP, and Gal Messinger of Philips Lighting
  • The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by Axel Petri of Deutsche Telekom and Christoph Rojahn of PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Jihadi terrorism trends in Europe by Glenn Schoen of Boardroom@Crisis
  • Virtual security operation center transformation by Michael Foynes of Microsoft
  • Public spaces as the front line against extremist violence by Thomas Vonier, CPP, of the American Institute of Architects
  • Understanding business resilience by Laura Poderys of Danske Bank

The conference is geared towards professionals who need to understand the full spectrum of physical and cyberthreats. Both established and aspiring security leaders can create learning paths through the program.

Register at Advance rates are available until March 8, and group packages are also available. Contact [email protected] directly for more information.​

New ASIS Website, Community

Digital transformation is at the forefront of many organizational discussions, and the need for innovation has never been greater. Remaining relevant in today's on-demand, content-driven world means that associations must be hyper-connected and agile.

With a clear directive to transform the organization through the strategic use of technology, ASIS is currently engaged in a broad range of innovative projects—including a major redesign of its primary website,, and the underlying technologies that support online and mobile experiences.

This month, ASIS launches Phase One of a multiyear project focused on improved and personalized content access, user-centric search and commerce, online community, and integrated systems for learning and certification.

One of the key strategies driving the new site is to create a powerful search function that will unify content from a variety of ASIS sources, including Security Management offerings and Seminar sessions. By creating a search-centric site that allows users to filter results, ASIS will meet its goal of helping members at their "moment of need." The website facelift includes a more graphical and modern interface for both desktop and mobile devices.

It is important to understand that this is just Phase One of the process. With a critical emphasis on design, taxonomy, search, and commerce, both functionality and content are priorities. Additionally, some functionality will be moving to other platforms, such as the new community site, launching in February. Two other phases are planned for 2018.

ASIS is also upgrading the membership database, including new functionality for engagement, certification, profile management, and data analytics. The system will be tightly integrated with the website to ensure a seamless user experience across platforms. As a part of the new launch, ASIS will be engaging members to fully update their online profiles, both to help drive online personalization and to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation in 2018.

When the online community is launched, ASIS will provide security professionals with a secure platform to network, share ideas, access resources, and stay connected with peers, chapters, ASIS staff, and industry thought leaders.

Get ready, the launch of a new digital ASIS will be here soon!

Note: The ASIS website may be inaccessible for a few days at the end of January to facilitate the launch.​


The Manager's Handbook for Corporate Security, Second Edition. By Edward P. Halibozek and Gerald L. Kovacich. Butterworth-Heinemann;; 498 pages; $120.

Whether the reader is an aspiring security management student or a seasoned veteran, the second edition of The Manager's Handbook for Corporate Security provides a comprehensive look at the past, present, and future of the security industry—a world that experiences both operational and functional changes at light speeds. Using a mythical organization called International Widget Corporation to illustrate problems and solutions, it creatively brings theory to life as it transforms the difficult concepts of "what should be" into "what is." Throughout the book, risk management is enlisted to transform security from a reactive process to a dynamic proactive endeavor. 

The authors do a masterful job of taking the reader on a journey through various contingencies, and stress the importance of being proactive through key loss prevention programs, security awareness training, and developing strategic, tactical, and annual plans to combat risk and mitigate losses. Chapter after chapter, the authors emphasize that planning and preparedness strengthen the organization's overall security program and keenly integrate all layers within the organization. This approach helps solidify the security department's role in asset protection and keeps the security department where it should be—leading the effort. Adding value to an already solid effort, the authors consider new elements such as background checks, insurance, training, and cybersecurity—functions that are increasingly becoming part of the security department's portfolio.

The Manager's Handbook for Corporate Security is a must for any serious security professional and would be a valued addition to any security leader's professional bookshelf. 

Reviewer: Terry Lee Wettig, CPP, is an independent security consultant who served 10 years as director of risk management with Brink's Incorporated. A retired U.S. Air Force chief master sergeant, he is currently a doctoral candidate specializing in organizational psychology. He is an ASIS member.
