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November 2017 Legal Report Resources

​Data breaches. The heightened risk of future identity theft is sufficient to show standing to sue at the pleading state in a lawsuit, a U.S. court of appeals ruled—becoming the second appellate court to reach this conclusion.

Contract security. A U.S. court of appeals remanded a lower court ruling and granted a new trial for a former Blackwater Worldwide Security guard convicted of killing Iraqi civilians in Baghdad in 2007.

Testing. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Federal Railroad Administration withdrew a proposed rule to require truck drivers and train operators be tested for obstructive sleep apnea.

Internet. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law amendments that prohibit the use of Internet proxy services and cuts down the use of anonymous instant messaging services.

Data protection. U.K. Digital Minister Matt Hancock announced the government will introduce new legislation that will align U.K. law more closely with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

Recovery. U.S. President Trump signed into law legislation that authorizes the U.S. Capitol Police Board to make payments to the U.S. Capitol Police Memorial Fund.

Terrorism. The EU Court of Justice overturned a General Court ruling, allowing Hamas to remain on the EU bloc’s terrorism blacklist. The lower court had ruled in 2014 that there was not sufficient evidence to keep travel bans and asset freezes on Hamas in place.

Discrimination. A U.S. federal judge rejected a $22.8 million settlement between Lockheed Martin Corp. and a group of 5,500 black workers to resolve a proposed class race discrimination lawsuit.

Harassment. Ford Motor Company agreed to pay up to $10.1 million to settle a sex and race harassment investigation by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
