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Advertising and Custom Content Terms and Conditions.

Invoices and Credit
The publisher holds the agency and the advertiser jointly and severally responsible for all space costs and mechanical services charges. Any insertion of advertising made by an agency represents acceptance by the agency and the advertiser of all terms and conditions set forth in the rate card applicable to the issue in which such insertions(s) is to be published.
The publisher will not be bound by any conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on order blanks or copy instructions when such conditions conflict with the regulations set forth in the rate card and addenda thereto.
Any combination of ads of varying sizes placed in Security Management or ASIS products of the like during a 12-month period may earn frequency discounts. Advertising will be billed at the one-time rate until other frequency is earned or unless a written contract is established with the publisher. Rates will be guaranteed by the publisher for the duration of the contract. All advertisers will receive 60 days notice of new rates.
A contract may only be cancelled by the advertiser or publisher with 30 days’ written notice. If a contract is cancelled before the specified frequency is fulfilled the advertiser will be short-rated for previous insertions at rates in effect at the time of cancellation.
Advertising contracts and insertion orders will be confirmed in writing by the publisher. The advertiser (or its agency if it is acting for the client) will be responsible for notifying the publisher of any error in the information on the contract form(s). If no instructions to the contrary are received, the advertisements will be run accordingly, and the advertiser/agency will be responsible for payment.

Cancellations (as well as changes in insertion orders) will not be accepted after the closing date. Cancellations must be made in writing and none are considered accepted until confirmed in writing by the publisher.
Advertisers and their agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed. The advertiser and the agency, jointly and severally, will indemnify and hold harmless Security Management, ASIS, its officers, agents and employees against expenses (including legal fees) and losses resulting from the publication of the contents of the advertisement, including without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation or right of privacy, copyright infringement, or plagiarism.
We reserve the right to place the word “Advertisement” or “Sponsorship” or the like with copy that could be mistaken for editorial material.
Billing, Rebates, Short Rates, and Commissions
Advertising will be billed at the one-time rate until such time as other frequency is earned or unless a contract is established in writing with the publisher. Each unit of advertising is charged at individual unit rates and each unit is credited toward frequency discounts.
Any billing direct to the advertiser or agency will be for the net amount due. Net rates are not eligible for agency commissions.
All invoices are NET 30 days
No discount is offered. Payments received will be credited to the oldest outstanding balance.
No advertiser or agency with invoices more than 90 days outstanding will be permitted to place further advertising in Security Management or other ASIS products of the like until all outstanding invoices are paid.
New advertisers and agencies will be required to prepay their first insertion.
Advertisers or agencies with a record of delinquent payment of accounts with ASIS International (the publisher) will be required to prepay all insertions until good credit is reestablished.

New advertisers and agencies will be required to prepay their first insertion.
Advertisers or agencies with a record of delinquent payment of accounts with ASIS International (the publisher) will be required to prepay all insertions until good credit is reestablished.
Clients participating in custom webinars, roundtables, road shows, and the like may be required to prepay a deposit of 50% upon signing the contract.
The remaining 50% balance will be due and invoiced in the month the event is executed.
Advertising is accepted from agencies on the basis that the agency is acting on behalf of the advertiser as its official representative. The publisher reserves the right to hold the advertiser directly responsible for any and all expenses incurred on the advertiser’s behalf by its representative. This includes all space, position, and mechanical charges.
If the rate specified and billed for each order during the 12-month period is not earned, each insertion will be short-rated at current rates.
Frequency discounts will not be honored if all components of original contracted program are not fulfilled.
Unless other instructions are received, invoices will go to the individual who has placed the order. For printed advertisements, two digital replicas of any printed ads will be sent to the advertiser with the invoice. If your billing procedures have other requirements, let us know and we will try to accommodate.

info-icon.pngNeed more information or ready to place your advertisement? Email [email protected] (Companies # through L) or [email protected]

(Companies M through Z) to reserve your ad placement today.

