Security Management
Security Management is ASIS International's award-winning flagship publication serving the exclusive 34,000+ ASIS member community. Our readers are the security industry’s most qualified and influential security decision makers—your best prospects.
ASIS members value “their” magazine’s commitment to the highest quality of editorial content, excellent graphic design and minimal ad saturation, which means your message delivers greater impact and never gets lost in the noise.
Email [email protected] or call, 703.518.1510 (Companies # through L) or [email protected] or call, 703.518.1502 (Companies M through Z) to learn how to place your message in front of the most infulential leaders in the security business.
Magazine Rates & Specifications
Security Management Four-Color Rates
Preferred Positions
Best Practices Supplement
Share your proven solutions with our readers by participating in these topic-focused supplements.
Campus Security
Closing: 3/25/22 | Materials: 4/1/22
Healthcare Security
Closing: 9/26/22 | Materials: 10/3/22
Supplement Rates:
• Single-page Case Study/Full-page ad $3,000 net
• Two-page Case Study or ad $4,500 net
• Cover 2 at earned frequency rate plus 15%
• Participants receive 100 free reprints
Security Management Specs for Print Sizes
Advertising Deadlines for Security Management Magazine
Closing: 12/1/21 | Materials: 12/6/21
March-April (ISC West Issue)
Closing: 2/1/22 | Materials: 2/4/22
ISC West Product Showcase
Closing: 1/18/22 | Materials: 1/18/22
Closing: 4/1/22 | Materials: 4/6/22
Closing: 6/1/22| Materials: 6/6/22
September-October (GSX Issue)
Closing: 8/1/22 | Materials: 8/4/22
GSX Product Showcase
Closing: 7/15/22 | Materials: 7/15/22
Closing: 10/3/22 | Materials: 10/6/22
Need more information or ready to place your advertisement? Email [email protected] (Companies # through L) or [email protected] (Companies M through Z) to reserve your ad placement today.