Enhancing Travel Risk Management Programs
As security directors are keenly aware, an organization’s duty of care means taking all reasonable measures to ensure the safety and security of employees and other constituents. Follow any international news outlet and from protests to hurricanes to authoritarian rule to disease, it’s easy to see how the complexity of duty of care multiplies when those under care are travelling.
In a new white paper, Destination Risk: How Community-Sourced Risk Data & Safety Communications Can Improve Travel Risk Management, safety communications platform developer LiveSafe and insurance broker AHT examine how leveraging information and emerging technology can help security directors keep those travelling on behalf of an organization safe. (White paper is free, but registration is required.)
A rubric they introduce in the paper is to take the intelligence cycle and apply it to travel risk management: “In national security and law enforcement, analysts use what is known as the intelligence cycle to take raw information and turn it into finished intelligence that can be used by policymakers to make informed decisions. Private enterprises that have established travel risk management programs can benefit from the direction, structure, and repeatable processes that the intelligence cycle provides.”
The stages of the cycle, and a brief snapshot of how the paper relates them to travel risk follows.
Planning and Direction: Environment monitoring and threat assessment that informs a prioritization of risk factors.
Collection: Acquisition of timely, trusted information based on threats and risk factors identified in planning stage.
Processing and Integration: Determining what collected information is both trustworthy and most applicable to threats and risks.
Analysis and Production: Establishes connections and patterns in the information collected, providing insights into imminent or emerging threats.
Dissemination: Makes the information and analysis actionable for security directors as well as those under the organization’s care.
Feedback: Enables process improvement for future cycles.