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Photo by Alex Knight

Book Review: Network Video

CRC Press;; 366 pages; $79.95.​

The true value of this second edition of Intelligent Network Video is found in its subhead: Understanding Modern Video Surveillance Systems. 

A quick glance through the comprehensive table of contents provides the reader with a virtual encyclopedic source of all things technical. Readers are introduced to terms for video networking such as progressive, interlaced, and 2CIF-based video screening; rolling shutter distortion; dwell time and heat mapping; and megapixel, multimegapixel, and ultra HD networks. Although there is no accompanying glossary for reference, the author does a superb job of providing clear definitions and descriptions throughout the text. 

Author Fredrik Nilsson draws connections between the cyber and physical security worlds and demonstrates why and how convergence will affect all professionals under the security umbrella. As someone who has concentrated mostly on physical security and shied away from the technology side, I learned a lot from this discussion.

While the first edition of this book was excellent, new chapters on serious topics such as cloud computing, thermal camera and video developments, and the updating of network video standards improve it. The book is full of photos and detailed illustrations reinforcing the written material and demonstrating the value and comparison of various technology system components, and applications within network systems. 

Nilsson does a fantastic job of educating the reader on the historical timelines and development of the entire industry and what makes it tick. More experienced practitioners will learn from the advanced, technically rich chapters. And readers will appreciate the candid discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the various systems. This is a valuable addition to any security practitioner’s library. CRC Press;; 366 pages; $79.95.

Reviewer: Terry Lee Wettig, CPP, is an independent security consultant. He was previously director of risk management with Brink’s Incorporated and a U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant. He is a doctoral candidate in organizational management and a member of ASIS.
