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Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano Resigns

07/12/2013 -U.S. Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano is resigningher post to be nominated as the next president of the University of California (UC) system, according to a statement on the DHS Web site. Napolitano will be the first female to hold the position in the university system’s 145-year history. Napolitano was also the first woman to serve as head of theDepartment of Homeland Security(DHS), noted CNN. The article quotes an unnamed source close to Napolitano as saying that the move is not a reflection of dissatisfaction over her work at DHS but rather the recognition of a “unique opportunity” at UC.

The Hill looks atsome of the controversy that occurred during Napolitano's time at DHS. For example, notes the article, Napolitano took heat early on for a report on right-wing extremism. "Napolitano also came under fire for telling CNN in 2009 that 'the system worked' during the attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day." The article also notes that getting Senate confirmation of a new head of DHS during the immigration-reform debate will not be easy.
