DHS Announces Rick Rescorla National Award for Resilience
05/01/2012 -
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on Friday announced the creation of the Rick Rescorla National Award for Resilience, in memory of Richard "Rick" Rescorla. During the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Rescorla led the evacuation of Morgan Stanley's 2,700-person workforce in the World Trade Center, saving the lives of many of his coworkers.
"Rick Rescorla's heroism during the 9/11 attacks and commitment to the preparedness of the thousands of employees under his watch serves as an inspiration and model to all of us," said Napolitano. "The Rick Rescorla National Award for Resilience recognizes outstanding response to a catastrophic incident and leadership in fosteringresilient and prepared communities."
The Rick Rescorla National Award for Resilience is the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) first nationalresilienceaward for superior leadership and innovation by a non-governmental individual or organization who exemplifies the qualities and achievements of Rick Rescorla, emphasizing leadership in effective preparation, response, and recovery in the face of disasters.
Following the 1993 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Rescorla drilled his Morgan Stanley employees in disaster preparedness and response. Rescorla's actions and his commitment to preparedness ensured that the 2,700 Morgan Stanley employees who worked in the South Tower knew how to evacuate and where to go on 9/11.
Last year, Secretary Napolitano honored Rescorla posthumously with the DHS Distinguished Public Service Medal, the Department's highest honor, and announced the creation of the Rick Rescorla National Award for Resilience.
In 2010, DHS adoptedASIS International's Organizational Resilience Standardas part of a program designed to voluntarily bolster the resilience of private organizations during man-made and natural disasters and emergencies.
For more information on eligibility and criteria for the Rick Rescorla National Award for Resilience and how to nominate an individual or organization, visitwww.dhs.gov/rrraward.
An individual or organization may be nominated for the Rick Rescorla National Award for Resilience beginning April 1, 2012 through May 15, 2012. The award will be presented annually, starting September 2012.
photo byjim.greenhill/flickr