Arizona Votes to Allow Guns on Campus
04/12/2011 -Last week, the Arizona House of Representatives approved a controversial bill that would allow concealed guns to be carried on the sidewalks and the roads of public universities.
The bill,SB 1467 (.pdf), sponsored by Ron Gould (R-Lake Havasu City), passed by a 33-24 margin. It is estimated to be opposed by almost three quarters of Arizonans and more than half of gun owners in the state.
The original version of the bill—which would have allowed guns in classrooms, dormatories, and other campus buildings— was even more unpopular. Despite overwhelming public disapproval, however, SB 1467, as passed, was a compromise bill that limits carrying concealed weapons on public right-of-ways within a university campus.
Critics, however, wonder just how this will be enforced. SB 1467 is also opposed by the majority of the state's educators and campus law enforcement officials. The faculity organizations of the state's three public universities have passed resolutions against the bill.
The bill, if it becomes law, will not affect Arizona's private universities and colleges, none of which allow concealed weapons on campus.
Read more about the controversy over SB 1467here.