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Mass Protest and Civil Unrest

Featured Resources: Mass Protest and Civil Unrest

Increased Civil Unrest

In this recorded webinar from May 2022, Steven M. Crimando, MA, CTM, principal and founder of Behavioral Science Applications, LLC, presents timely, actionable information to better help leaders and responders protect their organizations’ personnel and assets by understanding the behavior of protesters, employees, and others in the environment when challenged with the possibility of group, crowd, or mob situations.

Managing Security Operations in Regions Outside the Rule of Law

For organizations seeking to manage risk and security operations in tenuous circumstances—including in countries or regions where there is conflict or where the rule of law has been undermined—a little guidance is more than welcome. This article looks at the ASIS Standard Management System for Quality of Private Security Operations—Requirements and Guidance for its insights in such situations.


Extremism and Political Instability Community

ASIS members: join your colleagues in this ASIS Connects community, which aims to serve as the leading resource regarding threats presented by global terrorism, political instability, and international crime; promotes programs and best practices; assists with recognizing business vulnerabilities; and recommends strategies to mitigate risk.


Additional Mass Protests and Civil Unrest Resources

Understanding & Preventing Extremism in the Workplace
On-Demand Webinar

In a highly polarized socio-political climate, employers must recognize the indicators of extremism in their workforce and seek to find a balance between allowing diverse opinions, even unpopular or comfortable opinions, and preventing conflict and potential violence in the workplace.
On-Demand Webinar, April 2022

Conflict, Climate, and COVID-19: Measuring Worldwide Hunger Hotspots

Between conflict, climate shocks, and COVID-19, food insecurity is on the rise, driving vicious cycles of famine, uncertainty, and risk.
Security Management, November 2021

Managing Risk as Demand for Private Security Grows

Armed protests are being planned at all 50 U.S. state capitols and at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., through at least inauguration day on 20 January, according to an internal FBI bulletin.
Security Management, August 2021

The Changed Nature of Civil Unrest: Lessons from 2020 in Philadelphia

Security professionals need to ask themselves two key questions: Can we protect our property when the police are overwhelmed and does our company have the resources to win the communications battle?
Security Management, June 2021

FBI Warns of Armed Protests Across United States
Armed protests are being planned at all 50 U.S. state capitols and at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., through at least inauguration day on 20 January, according to an internal FBI bulletin.
Today in Security, 13 January 2021

Q&A: Essential Takeaways from the 6 January Riot at the U.S. Capitol
As federal law enforcement agencies warn of a potential wave of armed protests across the United States in the coming week, members of the ASIS International Extremism and Political Instability Community share lessons learned, analysis, and preparedness advice for the days ahead.
Security Management Online, January 2021

Q-Speak: The Language of QAnon
Knowing the basics about QAnon, as well as the terminology and beliefs of this movement, can help security leaders recognize when someone is being led down the rabbit hole and possibly becoming a risk.
Security Management Online, January 2021

Developing a Layered Defense to Harden Facility Security
You always want to project the image of a secure, impenetrable operation to someone passing by as part of a group during a protest, or looking for a crime of opportunity with no premeditation. Hardening is an offensive security measure; it stops the fight before it starts.
Security Management Online, January 2021

Fallout from Riot at the Capitol Building
"They should have been able to deal with this, but I think it boils down to ‘Fail to plan, plan to fail,'" says Martin Herman, president and CEO of Special Response Corporation.
Today in Security, 7 January 2021

Conflictos sociales en LATAM: análisis y escenarios futuros
Conference Session (In Spanish)
Las protestas y movilizaciones sociales en diferentes países de LATAM acompañadas de hechos de violencia y acciones insurreccionales han generado un escenario de incertidumbre que necesita ser analizado y entendido para proyectar escenarios futuros. 
GSX+ 2020, September 2020

Preparing for Post-Election Civil Unrest
The head of security for MUFG Union Bank, N.A., discusses the potential for unrest and how banking and financial institutions should prepare.
Today in Security, 27 October 2020

The Arc of Escalation: Strategies to Resolve Conflict
No organization is immune from escalating tensions that rise to open disputes. While not all incidents of this nature can be prevented, this recorded webinar covers the affirmative measures that public facing businesses can take to manage the risks.
On-demand Webinar

Corporate Resilience: How to Anticipate Mass Protest and Disruption
The world is entering a decade of rage, unrest, and shifting geopolitical sands. Security leaders need to understand the factors behind mass protests to accurately predict them and mitigate their effects.
Security Management, September 2020

Change Drivers: Organizations Face Supercharged Activism
The push for companies to show what they are doing for the greater good will only intensify through the lens of the pandemic; the public will want to know whether companies put people or profits first during this global crisis,” says Allison Wood, an associate director at Control Risks.
Security Management Online, August 2020

Crisis Time De-escalation Best Practices for Security Professionals
In this 20-minute presentation, learn how security teams can respond to situations with heightened tensions in ways to deescalate and defuse.
On-demand Webinar

Preparing for Protests
Proactive assessment and planning by security professionals can make the difference between a peaceful protest and an out-of-control riot.
Security Management, September 2017

Preparing for Protests: Employee Protection During Protests
Companies that are bracing for protests in their vicinity should discuss best practices with employees to keep them safe.
Security Management, September 2017

Global Civil Unrest Challenges Security Professionals
Lebanon, Chile, Ethiopia, Iraq, and Colombia are just a few of the many countries thrown into tumult recently by civil unrest, and these situations have many ramifications for security professionals.
Security Management, February 2020

Protecting Shops from Looting
Beyond retail shrink caused by shoplifters, internal thieves, or fraudulent returns, retailers are also aware of the risks posed by those taking advantage of chaos from mass protests that have become regular occurrences in 2020.
Security Management Online, November 2020

Surging Gun Sales Could Soon Become a Workplace Concern
The pandemic, the recession, and various protests are driving a record increase in gun purchases in the United States, and some experts are concerned about what that might mean for employees.
Security Management Online, December 2020

Embassy Evacuations
To prepare crises, the embassies are required to update an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and conduct nine types of drills each fiscal year, including duck-and-cover, bomb threat, and chemical/biolog­ical response.
Security Management, October 2017
