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ASIS International Announces Inaugural 2025 Asia Pacific Regional Board

Media Contact:
Andy Cutler
[email protected]

New board to be seated January 2025 

Alexandria, VA (4 November 2024)—ASIS International, the world's largest association for security management professionals, today announced the selection of its Asia Pacific (APAC) Regional Board leadership team, which will be seated in January 2025. Following a comprehensive nomination and selection process, the new board represents a diverse cross-section of security industry leaders from across the APAC region. 

The APAC Regional Board members appointed in June include: 

  • Chair: Danny Chan (Singapore) 2-year term 
  • Vice Chair: Paul Devassy, CPP (India - Bengalaru) 2-year term 
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Tyn van Amelsfoort (Hong Kong) 2-year term 
  • Sanjay Kaushik (India - New Delhi) 3-year term 
  • Shane Norton, CPP (Australia - New South Wales) 3-year term 

The APAC Regional Board members selected via application process are: 

Selected to serve a 3-year term

  • Ngaire Kelaher, CPP, PSP (New Zealand) 
  • Nurul Choudhury, CPP (Bangladesh) 
  • Pascal Engler (Australia – Victoria) 

Selected to serve a 2-year term

  • Kanwal Kishore, CPP (India – Mumbai) 
  • Victor Lim, CPP (Malaysia) 

Selected to serve a 1-Year Term

  • Paul Rachmadi, CPP (Singapore) 
  • Daniel Holtsjo (Thailand) 

"The selection of this exceptional leadership team marks a significant milestone in ASIS International's commitment to advancing security excellence across the Asia Pacific region," said Cy A. Oatridge, CPP, 2024 President, ASIS International. "Their collective expertise and diverse geographic representation will be instrumental in addressing the unique security challenges and opportunities in this dynamic region. I applaud the efforts of the Nominating Committee for their diligence throughout this process." 

Wilfred Bradford, Chair of the Nominating Committee, noted, "The caliber of candidates this year was exceptional, reflecting the growing strength and professionalism of our APAC security community. This new board brings together the perfect blend of industry and volunteer experience, as well as regional understanding needed to drive our profession forward." 

The nominating committee included distinguished security professionals, including: 

Wilfred Bradford, Chair (India - Mumbai)
Pawan Desai (India - Mumbai)
Manish Datta (India - New Delhi)
Kevin Foster (Australia - West Australia)
Rex Lam, CPP (Hong Kong)
Paul Devassy, CPP, APAC RB Liaison (India - Bengalaru)
Susan Mosedale, CGMEO (ASIS Staff Liaison)

The new board will focus on strengthening regional collaboration, advancing professional development opportunities, and addressing emerging security challenges across the Asia Pacific region. 


About ASIS International 

Founded in 1955, ASIS International is the world's largest membership organization for security management professionals. With hundreds of chapters across the globe, ASIS is recognized as the premier source for learning, networking, standards, and research. Through its board certifications, award-winning Security Management magazine, and Global Security Exchange—the most influential event in the profession—ASIS ensures its members and the security community have access to the intelligence and resources necessary to protect their people, property, and information assets. Learn more about the work we do at
