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Sarah Poskanzer, Rico Senence, and JD Fouquet sat down with us to discuss their upcoming webinar about navigating today's ever-evolving threatscape. To learn more about the webinar on 4 February or register now, go here

Q: How did you become interested in the evolving threatscape?

A: Our team has been working with clients nationwide facing threats that either didn’t exist or were minimal in the past but due to changes in technology, geopolitical forces, and extreme weather. The increase in risk is exponential. Likewise, there are new tools and potential solutions coming to market every day; it can be daunting to evaluate and choose what the best investment will be.

Q: What advice would you give security professionals interested in the evolving threatscape?

A: Don’t take things at face value. Do your due diligence. Understand the real threats and risk; and while there are a lot of “shiny new tech objects” out there – make sure they will deliver what you or your client needs and they have been tested and proven effective in similar situations. 

Q: Why should security professionals havethe evolving threatscape on their radar?

A: We are regularly hearing from vendors promising tools that reportedly will do some pretty impressive things that often coincide with reports that are very sensationalized in the media universe. While it’s smart to have awareness about these elements, it’s more important to have a set of criteria by which to judge what’s real and what’s extraneous to the security of our organizations and what will actually reduce risk.



Sarah Poskanzer is a managing director at TRC Companies, Inc., and has over two decades of in-house and consulting expertise with manufacturers, energy companies, nonprofits, and government agencies, helping to guide critical communication and operational initiatives.


Federico (Rico) Senence is a senior security planner at TRC Companies, Inc., and has a combined 29-plus years of experience in the military and security industry.


JD Fouquet is a senior security designer with over 19 years of expertise in physical and electronic security and is a US Army combat veteran, certified emergency medical technician (EMT) and firefighter.
