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GSX 2022

ASIS News: GSX Is Your Constant in a Changing World

With security in constant flux, Global Security Exchange (GSX) is a stabilizing force. GSX provides robust learning opportunities for you and your team to build resilience in the face of fast-moving change.

Stay steady and ready at GSX 2022, when thousands of your security peers gather in Atlanta, Georgia, this 12-14 September for three days of information exchange, networking, and marketplace. Or, if you can’t make it in person, participate in the online learning option.

GSX brings the world of security together in one place to stay ahead of the biggest trends and challenges in access control, asset protection, surveillance, remote workforces, workplace violence, cybersecurity, business continuity, crisis management, and more. The industry event also offers cross-industry networking and a full slate of education, with the potential to earn up to 21 CPEs.

On-the-ground collaboration and information exchange are the bedrock of the security community. GSX, previously known as the ASIS Seminar and Exhibits, was first held in 1955. Since then, it has continued to serve as a cornerstone of security resilience, education, and advancement worldwide.

Join security leaders and practitioners from every industry and sector to gain the knowledge and capabilities you need to anticipate security’s evolving variables, navigate risks, and mitigate against emerging threats.

GSX is an event for the entire industry, but it offers opportunities to build individual experiences. Tailor the lineup of CPE-eligible education to what’s meaningful in your work today and your career tomorrow. Meet the innovators behind technology and services with the potential to expand your capabilities. And collaborate with likeminded security professionals who can help you overcome the challenges you face every day. The threat landscape is ever shifting—don’t let it throw you off balance.

Registration for GSX 2022 is now open. For more information, visit

0522-ASIS-News-New-Preemployment-Background-Screening-Guideline.jpgNew Preemployment Background Screening Guideline

As an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited standards developing organization, ASIS International is a world leader in developing standards and guidelines to serve the needs of security practitioners in today’s quickly changing environment.

In early 2022, ASIS utilized the collective expertise of global subject matter experts to publish revisions to its Preemployment Background Screening and Vetting (PBSV) Guideline.

Hiring a new employee is an important responsibility for any organization. An employer who has performed a thorough PBSV process is more likely to bring into the organization an individual who will prove to be an effective asset. Without an adequate PBSV program, that same employer runs the risk of hiring someone who could become a significant liability.

To support making the best hiring decision, organizations should develop a PBSV program with clear objectives, policies, procedures, and processes that comply with legal, regulatory, and contractual obligations. It is important that the organization has a formal application process and that it conducts initial screening and vetting activities. In addition, the organization may need to conduct background investigations based on the nature of the position.

ASIS International’s PBSV Guideline provides guidance on the establishment, implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of a PBSV program. The guideline is intended to serve as a practical tool that organizations can use to understand:

  • The reasons for PBSV,
  • The importance of undertaking good hiring practices and its impact on the organization,
  • The impact of the legal and regulatory environments surrounding the issue of PBSV, and
  • Key aspects of a well-designed program to guide and enhance an organization’s hiring practices.

ASIS members enjoy free e-book access for all ASIS Standards and Guidelines. Softcover versions are available in the ASIS Store.

Along with developing standards, ASIS serves a key liaison role on two International Organization for Standardization (ISO) technical committees. Learn more at

Get Ahead with an ASIS Certificate Course

Demonstrate your proficiency in core areas of security by taking an ASIS certificate course. By narrowly focusing on a topic, these programs help newcomers and experienced professionals alike build competencies.

Unlike ASIS certifications, such as the APP, CPP, PCI, and PSP—which require rigorous study and recertification to stay current—ASIS certificate courses consist of a learning portion followed by a test based on information in the course. No previous knowledge of the topic is required, and at the end of the course, participants will earn CPE credits and a digital badge.

The following certificate courses will be available in the first half of 2022, with more in development in later this year.

  • Essentials of Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM). Learn how to explain the basic principles of ESRM, identify benefits of ESRM to security practitioners and to the organization, understand the components of the ESRM Cycle and how they strengthen a security practitioner’s ability to practice ESRM and its impact on the organization, and work as a team member to implement ESRM at an organization.
  • Essentials of Retail Asset Protection. Keep your knowledge and skills current in the retail environment by learning business fundamentals and asset protection basics and tools.
  • Essentials of Workplace Violence Prevention. Guiding you through prevention, intervention, and incident response, this certificate course provides an overview of policies, processes, and protocols that organizations can adopt to help identify, assess, respond to, and mitigate threatening or intimidating behavior and violence affecting the workplace.
  • Essentials of Security Risk Assessment. Without conducting a risk assessment, a security program has no foundation. This certificate course will help you outline the security risk assessment process, cite sources of risk, understand incident reporting, detail the process for a site survey, and list criteria for evaluating countermeasures.

To learn more about these courses and to register, visit

Young Professionals Corner

Security Management gets the perspective of young professionals who have climbed the leadership ranks within ASIS International.

0522-ASISNewsJosh-Darby-MacLellan.jpgJosh Darby MacLellan, APP, former ARVP, ASIS Canada, and ASIS Toronto YP chair, 2018-2020

It’s a simple fact that life without security is miserable. Many of us were fortunate enough to take security for granted until Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or Yemen’s civil war reminded us why security is paramount. That’s why I enjoy a career in security: you focus on keeping people safe, so your work is fulfilling and has impact.

0522-ASISNews-Erika-Becker.jpgErika Becker, APP, ASIS Austin Chapter chair

Opportunities are endless for professionals just getting started in this industry. As you build your network and knowledge, you will find that there are so many avenues you can pursue across the industry. It’s important to not only find those things that you are passionate about, but also to become an expert in those things. This will help steer you down the right career path.
