We encourage candidates to use these reference materials as you prepare for the PSP certification exam. Our item writers and reviewers use these materials to determine the correct answers on our exams. Note: the ASIS exams are experience-based; therefore, you will need to apply your own experience to answer the questions correctly. Please don’t attempt to memorize these reference sets.
Protection of Assets (POA): Physical Security is the essential sourcebook for the physical security professional.
Softcover | eBook
The PSP Reference set contains the POA - Physical Security, Implementing Physical Protection Systems – A Practical Field, 3rd Edition, the Physical Asset Protection Standard, and the Business Continuity Management Guideline.
Softcovers | eBooks
Implementing Physical Protection Systems: A Practical Guide, 3rd Ed
Softcover | eBook
Spanish softcover
Business Continuity Guideline: A Practical Approach
Softcover | eBook (eBook free for members)
Physical Asset Protection Standard
Softcover | eBook (eBook free for members)
The PSP Practice Exam contains items that once appeared on the actual certification exams but are now retired. Use the practice exam to familiarize yourself with how exam items will appear on the current exam(s).
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