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Announcing the 2020 ASIS Book of the Year

0820-ASISNews-trategic-Security-Forward-Thinking-for-Successful-Executives.jpgASIS International’s 2020 Security Industry Book of the Year is Strategic Security: Forward Thinking for Successful Executives by Jean Perois, CPP.

In Strategic Security, Perois argues that security professionals too often approach their roles through a reactive lens rather than a proactive one—serving more as “firefighters” than as strategists. The book looks to help security managers think strategically about their job, the culture of their workplace, and the nature of security planning and implementation.

“This book is a great read for any current or aspiring manager,” ASIS member Yan Byalik, CPP, shared during a review in the February 2020 issue of Security Management. “It provides an excellent discussion on building or being prepared to lead a successful security organization.”

Now in its seventh year, the Security Industry Book of the Year is chosen by a committee of ASIS members who are established authors, editors, and reviewers. Eligible books were authored by ASIS members and published in 2019.

Strategic Security by Jean Perois provides a much-needed high-level strategic guide that is perfectly balanced with sufficient details to guide practitioners in developing a security master plan that will achieve the desired results,” explains Steve Van Till, CEO of Brivo and chair of the Book of the Year Committee. “It is also both politically and psychologically astute in advising how to pursue one’s goals with the mix of personalities, motivations, and viewpoints that are a part of every large organization. It could well be the one book every practitioner should read at the beginning of his or her career.”

0820-ASISNews-Security-Management-for-Healthcare-Proactive-Event-Prevention-and-Effective-Resolution.jpgTwenty-four books were considered for this year’s award. The committee chose two finalists from the contenders. The other finalist was Security Management for Healthcare: Proactive Event Prevention and Effective Resolution by Bernard J. Scaglione, CPP.

Security Management for Healthcare highlights the need for healthcare facilities to have policies and procedures that require reporting of threatening or unusual behaviors. Having preventive policies and procedures in place is the first step in mitigating violence and providing a safe and secure hospital.

These books—and other books published by ASIS members last year—are available online in the ASIS Store. Visit to find these publications and more.

Books published by ASIS Members in 2019

An Introduction to Operational Security Risk Management
Tony Zalewski

Unwavering: A Border Agent’s Journey from Hunter to Hunted
Dr. Jason Piccolo, CPP

P.A.C.E.: Active Shooter Workplace Violence Preparedness (Prepare, Act, Care, Evacuate)
James Cameron, CPP

Security Management for Healthcare: Proactive Event Prevention and Effective Resolution
Bernard J. Scaglione, CPP

The Chief Security Officer’s Handbook
Michael Allen

Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques, Fourth Edition
William L. Fleisher and Nathan J. Gordon

Strategic Security: Forward Thinking for Successful Executives
Jean Perois, CPP

School Security: What Works, What Doesn’t and Why
Charles Schnabolk

Engineering Practices and Security Technology
Charles Schnabolk

The Protected
Michael Trott

Casino and Gaming Resort Investigations
Derk Boss, CPP, and Al Zajic, CPP

Private Security and the Investigative Process, Fourth Edition
Charles P. Nemeth

Strategic Security Management, Second Edition
Karim Vellani, CPP

Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioner’s Handbook, Third Edition
James S. Cawood, CPP, PCI, PSP, and Michael H. Corcoran

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way: Inspirational Stories and Quotes About Leadership, Courage and the Remarkable Human Spirit
Jonathan D. Rose, CPP, PCI, PSP

Executing Crisis: A C-Suite Crisis Leadership Survival Guide
Jo Robertson

Building an Effective Cybersecurity Program, 2nd edition
Tari Schreider

Practicing Forensic Criminology
Kevin Fox Gotham, CPP, and Daniel Bruce Kennedy, CPP

From Sheepdog to the C-Suite
Kevin Rice and Phil Carlson

Run, Hide, Don’t Freeze: Teach your children what to do when faced with danger
Dave Ainsworth, CPP

The Professional Protection Officer: Practical Security Strategies and Emerging Trends, Second Edition
Sandi Davies and Lawrence Fennelly

Chinese Communist Espionage: An Intelligence Primer
Peter Mattis and Matthew Brazil

Interminable: Stories and Steps to Overcoming Life’s Obstacles after a Repetitive Cycle of Pain and Loss
Michael L. Henderson

The Handbook of Loss Prevention and Crime Prevention, Sixth Edition
Larry Fennelly
